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spirit (Englisch)[Bearbeiten]




the spirit

the spirits

[5] a bottle of white spirit


spir·it, Plural: spir·its


IPA: []
Hörbeispiele: Lautsprecherbild spirit (US-amerikanisch) (Info), Plural: Lautsprecherbild spirits (US-amerikanisch) (Info)


[1] der Geist
[2] die Einstellung, die Stimmung
[3] der Elan, der Schwung
[4] Plural: die Stimmung, die Laune
[5] Chemie: der Spiritus
[6] Plural: die Spirituose


[5] white spirit


[2] "It was with this accommodating spirit towards Alexius, which, for many different and complicated reasons, had now animated most of the crusaders, that the chiefs consented to a measure which, in other circumstances, they would probably have refused, as undue to the Greeks, and dishonourable to themselves. " [1]
[3] "'But why is she unprotected?' said Mr. Meredith, with spirit;'if she is innocent she…'"[2]
[6] "The various 'ardent spirits' are obtained by distillation from fermented liquids, and their odour and flavour depend on the nature and source of the fluid from which they are distilled."[3]


alcohol spirit lamp


[1] Englischer Wikipedia-Artikel „spirit
[?] Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary „spirit
[?] Merriam-Webster Online Thesaurus „spirit
[?] Dictionary.com Englisch-Englisches Wörterbuch, Thesaurus und Enzyklopädie „spirit
[?] PONS Englisch-Deutsch, Stichwort: „spirit
[?] dict.cc Englisch-Deutsch, Stichwort: „spirit
[?] LEO Englisch-Deutsch, Stichwort: „spirit
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  1. Sir Walter Scott; Tales of My Landlord,.: Count Robert of Paris; Printed for Robert Cadell, Edinburgh; and Whittaker and Co., London., 1832 Google Books
  2. Mrs. Bennett (Agnes Maria): Ellen, Countess of Castle Howel. W. Lane, 1794, Seite 142, 143
  3. Isaac Burney Yeo: Food in health and disease. Lea Brothers & Company, 1785, Seite 126